Yet another electric (or hybrid) supercar has been announced, this time by Spanish Izaro Motors. The car, conceptualized above, would ride on a basalt fiber / magnesium / aluminum chassis and is called the GT-E; of course it is, because E is for Electricity. I'm surprised they didn't paint it green to symbolize how good it is for the environment.
After all the success that can be found in the electric supercar segment... never mind, I'll just believe it when I see it.
According to a mixture of internet-translated texts and faith, it will be available in hybrid and electric flavors putting out numbers that are as lofty as its dreams of production. Here they are anyway: 416 / 495 horsepower (hybrid and full-electric, respectively), 100km/h (62 mph) in under 4 seconds, a top speed of 280 km/h (174 mph), and a price of approximately €55,000-€60,000 (before reservation).
Driving range will be 250 km (155 miles) for the electric or 690 km (429 miles) for the hybrid.
By Phil Alex
Link: Izaro , Via: Motorpassion